Elisha’s Story
Murder on Deadman’s Hill
On August 22 1961, Valerie Storie and Matthew Gregsten hopped in their 1956 Morris Minor and headed to a picturesque village in the Thames river valley. As the night fell around them, the loved-up couple felt the weight of the world fall away.
Suddenly a sharp rap at the window clanged through the darkness. A knock that would change their lives forever.
Source material for the case
They Walk Among Us podcast – Season 4, episodes 9 and 10
Casefile podcast – Case 172: Michael Gregsten and Valerie Storie
Once I Had a Secret Love: The End of an Affair – Article by Valerie Storie
World: Murder at Deadman’s Hill
BBC interview of Edwin Cooke, August 25th 1961
James Hanratty: One Of The Most Talked-About Murder Cases In British Legal History
50-year fight to clear James Hanratty’s name
The Bedfordshire ‘A6 Murderer’ who was one of the final people to be hanged in the UK